We’re all somebody…and nobody! And that’s something to get excited about. At least, I got excited about it. Years ago, as a new writer, I’d walk around in bookstores and think, “Who’d want to read my books? I’m nobody.” That was rough for a creative person looking to get their voice out there.
But then something happened…
Two different teachers in my life mentioned the word “nobody” in contexts so powerful, it completely shifted my perspective on what being “nobody” means. In fact, I wrote a book called The Nobody Bible and gave a TEDx talk on the concept because it became that important to me.
Let me explain…

We all have two sides: Somebody and Nobody. Here’s my take:
Both sides are important, but I’ve noticed in our own lives that it is easy for them to fall out of balance.

When we are presented with a situation (good or bad), my Somebody side likes to step in to “manage” it.
For example, how often do we get anxious because we are so consumed by the past or worried about the future? How many words have we blurted out that we wish we could take back because we spoke too soon? How many people have “let us down” because we expected them to act in a certain way?

Our Nobody side is an incredible resource that can help us stay centered, calm, and present.
Reduced anxiety, less regret, more confidence in moving forward…these are just a few of the changes we might notice as we tune into our Nobody sides. The key is to practice tapping into that side and groove new habits so that our Nobody side steps in, and steps up, when we need it most.

Does this mean I shouldn’t strive for success?
Absolutely not. Living Nobody Life means finding balance…think of it as a partnership between your two sides. When your Somebody and Nobody sides work together, you become the best version of yourself…your whole self.
Let’s make life better…and balanced…starting now.

Tap into your Nobody side with this FREE Mindfulness Quickstart Guide!
Start integrating mindfulness into your day in a way that works with your busy lifestyle. This two page PDF contains tips and tools for you to start practicing RIGHT NOW.